The DIFC district in Dubai is where financial whiz kids have mergers for breakfast, acquisitions for lunch and then dress up in their fanciest to celebrate the M&As of the day at spiffy restaurants at night. Everything about it evokes a sense of corporate machismo - sleek Wall Street types striding about with a great sense of urgency. If you concentrate hard, you can almost see the thought blurbs buzzing above their heads. ‘Damn! Yet to make a million before lunch’. There are some art galleries in the mix too. I guess frequented by people who have made a million or two before they rolled out of bed and have nothing else to do for the rest of the day. So, hey, let’s stare at a red dot on a blank canvas - it’s a metaphor for life - we’re all dots and life’s an open canvas. But there are days, very rare days, when it rains. And then the balance is restored somewhat between the financial districts and the rest of the world. You might have all the money on the world but that doesn’t mean your shoes won’t get wet. Time is a great leveler. So is nature.
Selected for the ‘ A Visual Diary: March 2019’ story in National Geographic.